WAYNESBORO—The third and final program in Renfrew Institute’s three-part series, “Harvest Close to Home,” is scheduled for Thursday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in the visitors center at Renfrew Park in Waynesboro. The program is free and open to the public, and registration is not required. Donations are appreciated.

A panel of owner/operators from three local family farms will present, “Today’s Family Farm…Succeeding through Innovation.” The panel includes Ben & Sharon Peckman (Slate Ridge Farm, Chambersburg, Pa.); Vernon & Luanne Horst (Horst Farm, Chambersburg, Pa.); and Jeni Malott (Misty Meadow Farm, Smithsburg, Md.).

Panel members will describe what they are doing to achieve economic viability, eco-friendly operations and sustainability through the use of cutting edge technologies, best management practices and innovative products and events.

Embracing modern technology and innovative ideas can support the traditional heritage of the family farm. Economical energy sources like solar panels and windmills, automated machinery for milking, harvesting and other tasks, and creative use of farm resources to provide additional sources of income all contribute to the survival of the family farm.

Questions from the audience are encouraged and can be submitted in advance by email to: info@renfrewinstitute.org.

The lecture series is funded in part by Charles and Undine Warner, and by Today’s Horizon Fund Contributors: The Nora Roberts Foundation, APX Enclosures, Inc., and the Carolyn Terry Eddy Family: Carolyn, with daughters Connie Fleagle & Kim Larkin. Facility support provided courtesy of Renfrew Museum and Park.

Parking is available behind the visitors center or in Renfrew’s lower lot off Welty Road. For more information, please visit www.renfrewinstitute.org or call the institute at 717-762-0373