Allison-Antrim Museum, 365 South Ridge Avenue, Greencastle, Pennsylvania, will open a new exhibition for July and August which will cater to the memories of Baby Boomers – the generation born after World War II but will be a curiosity to everyone.

It was a time when TV was watched in black and white.  Do you remember Barney Fife, the Little Rascals; Gunsmoke; Saturday morning westerns with Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans and the Lone Ranger; Mr. Wizard; Lassie and Rin Tin Tin; M-I-C K-E-Y MOUSE; Miss Nancy and Miss Sally on Romper Room; “Say, kids, what time is it?;” transistor radios; vinyl records (which will be playing), the Nelsons and the Cleavers; I Love Lucy and Superman; or listening to the first-manned space shot over your classroom PA system. On November 22, 1963, do you remember when the intercom came on and the principal announced that President Kennedy had been shot?  And we can’t leave out the fashions of the decade. The Boomers were the ’60’s generation; we could make a difference and change the world.  Many joined the Peace Corp. Our young men fought in the Vietnam War and returned home to a divided nation because of the war.  Greencastle-Antrim mourned the loss of five classmates and graduates whose names are listed on a black wall among a total of 58,249 names.  Then The Beatles invaded America and a revolution in music began. “Don’t trust anyone over 30;” sit-ins; the Civil Rights movement, riots, and Resurrection City.

Allison-Antrim Museum is open Tuesday to Friday, noon to 4 pm and Saturday, 11 am to 1 pm. There is no admission fee, but donations are greatly appreciated.  For more information, please visit, on Facebook, or call 717.597.9010.