October Happenings | Conococheague Audubon
Conococheague Audubon General Meeting
A presentation on Adrenaline Birding: Big Day/ Big Months/ Big Years by Andy Markel
Monday October 14th, 2024 * 7:00 pm
St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2695 Luther Dr., Chambersburg
You do not need to be a member to attend.
Studying Ornithology Around the Region
SOAR (Studying Ornithology Around the Region) with Larry and Sharon Williams 717.655.7414
Walks around various locations in Franklin County
Every first and third Saturday in the month (October 5th & 19th ), 8:00 AM
Also see Buttonwood Nature Center, 717.762.0373, https://buttonwoodnaturecenter.org for schedule
Check our website for updates, contacts and maps to all locations: WWW.ConococheagueAudubon.org