Look to the stars when Buttonwood Nature Center presents “Astronomy and Our Place in the Universe” on Thursday, February 20 at 7 p.m. at Church of the Apostles in Waynesboro. Admission is free. The guest speaker is William Laska, an astronomy instructor at Shepherd University’s Lifelong Learning program.
“Designed as an overview of astronomy, this presentation will provide a better understanding of the night sky and our place in the Universe,” Laska said. He will begin with some “introductory astronomy—things you may have forgotten from 8th-grade science”—followed by a discussion of the solar system and beyond.
Laska will also talk about what we can expect to see happen over the next 20 years with regard to space exploration. “In addition, I’ll give information on astronomical objects that are currently visible without the need for a telescope or binoculars,” Laska said. “I encourage everyone to look up and discover the night sky.” A “star party” opportunity to discover the night sky will be available after the presentation—Tri-State Astronomers will set up several telescopes for observing the skies, weather permitting.
Laska developed an interest in astronomy while a student at Kent State University. A career in the military and the Department of Homeland Security—and starting a brewery in Lewisburg, WV—diverted his attention from astronomy. After retiring in Shepherdstown, his interest was rekindled and he joined the Tri-State Astronomers club. Laska enjoys sharing his passion for astronomy with his students in the Shepherd University program.
For more information, visit buttonwoodnaturecenter.org or call 717-762-0373.
This program was arranged in cooperation with the Tri-State Astronomers. It is underwritten in part by Marge Kiersz, Lucinda D. Potter, CPA, and SEK CPAs & Advisors, with additional support from Buttonwood’s Today’s Horizon Fund contributors: The Nora Roberts Foundation; APX Enclosures; Don Gibe and Nancy Erlanson; and the family of the late Carolyn Terry Eddy, with daughters Connie Fleagle & Kim Larkin