“It is always the right time to do the right thing.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Essay Contest

Doing the right thing shaped African American history, women’s history, and American history. Franklin County Visitors Bureau wants you to answer the question:

What is your right thing?

  • Share a personal story.
  • Share the influences of family, friends, ancestors, mentors, and heroes.
  • Share a piece of history that shapes or shaped your feelings, thoughts, or ideas.

The contest has no age restrictions. You simply need to be able to print, write, type, or dictate to someone able to write, print, or type.

You can begin with your own opening or launch from this prompt:

The/My right thing is…

One essay will be selected as the winning submission in these categories:

Humanity  –  Education  –  Justice  –   Respect  –   Liberty 

A $100 top prize will be awarded in each category based on main point, originality, insightfulness, and clarity.

Download the MLK Essay 2025. Submissions are due by February 12, 2025. Essays can be submitted via email to: jpollard@explorefranklincountypa.com or mailed or dropped to:

Franklin County Visitors Bureau
15 South Main Street
Chambersburg, PA  17201

Winners will be announced at the Tourism Brunch on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

Read the 2025 Winners Here!

It Is Always the Right Time
to do the Right Thing

Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest

Inspired by the Martin Luther King quote: “It is Always the Right Time to do the Right Thing,” Franklin County Visitors Bureau sponsored the essay contest. Doing the right thing shaped African American history, women’s history, and all of American history.