Allison-Antrim Museum, 365 South Ridge Avenue, Greencastle, Pennsylvania 17225 will hold its monthly speaker meeting on Thursday, November 9, 2023, in the German Bank Barn beginning at 7 p.m.  The facility is wheelchair accessible. 

Doug Dobbs, resident of Greencastle-Antrim and Allison-Antrim Museum board member, will give a presentation in first person as the abolitionist John Brown. The time-period takes place during the weeks leading up to Brown’s infamous Raid on Harper’s Ferry in October of 1859.   Our local area saw a great deal of activity on the Underground Railroad and the presentation will revolve around a warning to our local area to prepare for the “flood” of those seeking freedom in the wake of his raid.   Dobbs has done extensive research into the life and times of Capt. Brown and recently returned from a trip to John Brown sites in Kansas.

There is no fee to attend, but donations are greatly accepted toward Allison-Antrim Museum’s annual speaker series.  For more information, please call 717-597-9325, visit the website at, or follow us on Facebook at Greencastlemuseum.